Steps2Recovery founded and launched by Linda Smith MA with the support of Tom Bolt
Addiction counselling service for ex-prisoners delivered from rooms in Victoria by Linda Smith formerly Senior Manager at RAPt (The Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust)
Pilot Programme launched in Hanwell by newly established Board of Trustees
Residential service established at 108 Albion road Stoke Newington with house provided by St Mungo’s Community Housing. Capacity increases to six residential clients who would otherwise be homeless and six day clients
Strategic alliances established with referral partners including prisons, probation, community based services. The relationship with Kairos Housing allows Steps2Recovery to guarantee safe, abstinence based, move on accommodation to graduate clients
100th client graduation takes place
Chief Executive Lesley Hart and Steps graduate Kelly Judge deliver presentation ‘Leaving the Bars Behind’ at the UK and European Symposium on Addictive Disorders
Steps2Recovery is announced winner of the Centre for Social Justice Addiction Award
Steps2Recovery wins the Recovery Street Film Festival and is formally congratulated by Public Health England
Steps presents at Westminster to All Party Parliamentary Group and makes its case for the urgent requirement for residential treatment services free at point of need. The Steps2Recovery model was presented to Members of Parliament and senior members of addiction treatment sector
Despite intense challenges caused by Covid-19 pandemic, Steps uses a variety of digital platforms to continue to ensure effective operation and sees full occupancy and six client graduations over the course of the lockdown period